Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Art as a Culture

Functions of Early Art

I believe that these artists were trying to depict of what life was like in their time. The art that is displayed in the Lascaux Cave shows the audience of what they saw when they saw animals through their eyes within that time era. The animals most often show movement and expression, as if the artists were trying to show how they functioned and behaved. 

I think they showed animals because at the time there were probably more animals than humans. I feel as though there must have been some type of spiritual connection with animals. The artists must have viewed them as very majestic creatures and were very fascinated by their movement, their features, and their life. I also think that drawing animals would have been simply easier than to draw a human at those times. Maybe they did not even consider it art, therefore, they just painted what they saw. 

These paintings tell us about the life of the animals thought the early cave dweller’s eyes. They show they shape and movement of many different animals.Also, the paintings show early human culture and what the early humans looked like. The paintings show what type of medium was readily available in the early cave dwellers life. The paintings also show some ancient figures such as ancient star charts. I believe this is because maybe the cave dwellers were fascinated by the sky as well which shows how much more intelligent these people came to be. 

The artists had to paint inside steep and dangerous caves. It would be a very difficult challenge just to get into the caves and around them without being injured. I think painting on surfaces of rock that is very uneven would be difficult to control the painting process and how one would want to paint.
These artists would also have to be weary of other animals like snakes. 

I think the paintings provided many important functions to these early humans. I think they knew that it would serve as a way of recording their own history within that time. I believe that these painters also would pass the time trying to paint these depictions which maybe some needed to do. I also think that this art served as a form of communication between people of that era by maybe telling a story and relating to one another. 

Similarities in Function

There are many similarities within the functions in the art of the early humans compared to that of modern art. In the first similarity, the art provides a sort of leisure to the culture. Art can be a form of hobby for some and a way to express oneself. Art can be viewed as a medium to illustrate stories in order to communicate storytelling and thought. Art can also preserve history and generations of what was in the passed and for years to come. Art can be viewed by many in the future and it shows a picture of what the person in that time was like and what influenced them to create it. 

My Favorite Art: Music

I believe that many who write or play or make music are trying to express themselves artistically. There are many other functions for music, such as telling one’s story, pleasing one’s listening, or even trying to evoke an emotion that cannot be expressed through words. Also, one can record music in history and it can show what was happening during that era. Music changes so often over the years that it is really an amazing way to express oneself and connect with one’s current culture. 

I think that music definitely has its own culture. People who are into music tend to act a certain way that is very creative. They are open to sounds and senses, as well as language. Throughout the years, many have dressed a certain way in order to show that they were part of that culture, like rock, rap, jazz, electronic, and even ritualistic music. However, music is so diverse that you do not need to fit into a culture in order to like music or all types of music. That is what makes it so universal and relatable. 

Music benefits society by mirroring what the culture is like in that time. It creates a sense of unity that can put everyone in a good mood. It can connect people from around the country who have never met nor speak the same language. In detrimental ways, however, music can also enrage a certain culture group. It can be used as a way of anarchy and propaganda that can cause hate. 


  1. Interesting observation, "I think they showed animals because at the time there were probably more animals than humans". It did not occur to me but humans have changed the world so much that many species today have gone extincted. I agree of how they depicted the animals as "majestic" and then you stated (related to depicting human forms) "Maybe they did not even consider it art," I am reading this statement as if "maybe they did not consider important enough, or valued enough? It is difficult to expect them having the concept of "ART". "They just painted what they saw". But the question still remains: they also could see each other there was nothing wrong with their sight. So that explanation does not make sense. It has to be a reason of why do not paint or draw human beings. The artists could paint extremely well the perspective of depth in a two dimension medium. They could recreate a third dimension and that requires artistic skill. Lascaux cave paintings are considered an equivalent of the Sistine Chapel because of the magnificent technique and comparison to the magnificent frescos. Can you imagine! they are comparing them to Michelangelo. So that can not be a good reason either. I think that it was intentional to leave out human beings. It may have been related to their value and beliefs system of the time.

  2. Hello! I think your blog post this week was very interesting- I like what you said about how there were probably more animals back then and how they most likely had a spiritual connection with these animals. I love the style of art that you chose- music plays such an important part in today's society- it brings people together and it benefits our culture in so many ways. I love the way you worded everything- very nicely done :)

  3. I agree that the purpose was to produce imagery of the animals that surrounded them, but why? This was a very time-consuming, difficult accomplishment. Would they spend this time and energy just to have the picture? Or might this have served a more concrete function? Record keeping? Education? Story-telling (which is also educational)? Even scientific to a certain extent, by trying to discern patterns in herd migrations?

    "I feel as though there must have been some type of spiritual connection with animals."

    While it is possible, what evidence do you have for this? Careful not to place your own pre-conceptions onto these paintings. I agree that the sparceness of human populations probably explain their rarity in the paintings. If human populations were denser and they were coming into conflict more frequently, do you expect you would see more humans in the paintings?

    Interesting discussion on the aspects you can discern from this population based upon their paintings.

    "These artists would also have to be weary of other animals like snakes. "

    Especially since it was completely dark in there! :-) That would have been the first problem, correct? How to get light back there?

    Good discussion on function, but do you think they understood the concept of "history"? Did they record these paintings for historical reasons or perhaps for more immediate benefits?

    Very good comparison on similarities in function.

    Great exploration of music as art. In addition to the issues you raised, music can also be political in nature and express rebellion and fight against repression. Think about the music of the slave era, used as ways of communicating information on the Underground Railroad, and also during the Civil Rights era and during Vietnam. Political, cultural, social and historical values.

  4. Hello,
    I definitely agree with you when you say that music is a way for many to express themselves.A perfect example are country singers. They are able to tell stories from their lives or others and share emotions that we have all felt at one time or another. I also agree with you on the similarities between early human art and modern art; art is a form of expression and a way to show creativity. In the early days, people had to get creative with the materials they used to paint and most paintings were on rocks.
